

  1. ideology2010.pdf
    Mass Polarization across Time and Space
    Isaac D. Mehlhaff
    Cambridge University Press, under contract

Journal Articles

  1. figure1.pdf
    A Group-Based Approach to Measuring Polarization
    Isaac D. Mehlhaff
    American Political Science Review, forthcoming
  2. jhppl.png
    Partisanship and the Pandemic: How and Why Americans Followed Party Cues on COVID-19
    Isaac D. Mehlhaff, Matías C. Tarillo, Ayelén Vanegas, and Marc J. Hetherington
    Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law, Jun 2024
  3. ajps.jpg
    Where Motivated Reasoning Withers and Looms Large: Fear and Partisan Reactions to the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Isaac D. Mehlhaff, Timothy J. Ryan, Marc J. Hetherington, and Michael B. MacKuen
    American Journal of Political Science, Jan 2024
  4. ps.jpg
    Integrating Classroom and Community with Undergraduate Civically Engaged Research
    PS: Political Science & Politics, Oct 2023

Under Review

  1. network_diagram.png
    Multi-Task Learning Improves Performance in Deep Argument Mining Models
    Amirhossein Farzam, Shashank Shekhar, Isaac D. Mehlhaff, and Marco Morucci
  2. US_cfa1.pdf
    More Than a Partisan Pandemic: Worldview and COVID-19 Response in the United States
    Marc J. Hetherington, Andrew M. Engelhardt, and Isaac D. Mehlhaff
  3. poll.png
    Signed Forecast Errors in Pre-Election Media Polls: A Mainly Political Story
    Robert C. Luskin, Daron R. Shaw, Marc J. Hetherington, and Isaac D. Mehlhaff

Working Papers

  1. CES_RMSE.pdf
    Leveraging Time Series Information to Improve Small-Area Estimation
    Isaac D. Mehlhaff
  2. polar_ci_models.pdf
    Mass Polarization and Democratic Decline: Global Evidence from a Half-Century of Public Opinion
    Isaac D. Mehlhaff
  3. num_comments.pdf
    Political Argumentation and Attitude Change in Online Interactions
    Isaac D. Mehlhaff